Friday, November 29, 2013

Symbolic Dream

My husband and I were driving through the country and we got to this spot where the road was lined with pomegranates.  Huge beautiful ripe pomegranates.  Pomegranates are one of my favorite fruits.  Especially when I was a kid.  I pointed them out to my husband and suggested we pick some.  In a monotone voice he said, "We don't need any."  I waited for him to explain why this was the case.  I thought in my mind, this is out of character.  My husband loves free healthy food.  What is better than free pomegranates.  We don't have a tree at home.  We don't have any already in our fruit basket.  I didn't understand, but he didn't offer anymore information and I didn't ask for it, because I recognized the tone of voice he used.  He didn't want to have to talk right now.
Soon, he had to stop, for some reason that I don't remember in my dream.  I think we were entering a state park, in which we had to pay at a booth and he stopped because there was a small line of cars before the booth.  So I just jumped out of the car and got myself a pomegranate.  I started walking to catch up with him at the booth.  I was happy.
BUT the pomegranate was disgusting.  There was absolutely no flavor what so ever.  I kept trying, but the seeds kept being totally flavorless.  He was right, I thought, I didn't need these pomegranates.  They were gross.  I wondered if somehow he knew.  They looked good to me from the tree.  I was walking and spitting out seeds and when I got to the booth.
My husband wasn't there.  I waited for three cars to go through and realized there was no way that I was faster than him, because I was walking.  That means he left.  He didn't wait for me. I started to worry at this point.  My purse with my wallet and my phone were in the car. I didn't know what to do.  At this point there happened to be a fork in the road, and I happened to look down the road that went to the left (I was expecting him to have driven straight), and there he was.  He was parked about 1/4 mile down the road in a parking spot, just waiting for me.
I was no longer scared.  I knew I'd be fine, but I was mad.  SO SO livid angry.  I walked down to him (still spitting out pomegranate seeds, for some reason), and got in the car.  He could feel the anger radiating from me.  I explained to him that I didn't know where he was and that my phone and wallet were in the car with him so I was freaking out.  He didn't think of that.  He thought it would have been obvious where he was.  I found him after all right?


And then the dream changed...


  1. Lara, I don't believe that dreams tell us anything prophetic or anything, but I am certain that they show us our lives in symbolism.
    In this case you are seeking something centering, lovely, something that you are yearning for. Something that seems to be outside of the relationship with your husband. But it turns out that that thing is far more delicious in the past, in your memory. Although you feel quite alone, it turns out that your husband has been there all of the time, but not as close as you would like for him to be. He doesn't respond to you being angry but he does remind you that he is right there, in your life, right where he is supposed to be...

    Emotionally unavailable.

    It's a painful dream. (((HUG)))

    Close? Not so close????

  2. Oooo...interesting interpretation Karen! I like it. Looking for something outside of my marriage that looks good but is ultimately is unsatisfying, yep...He's there for me, just not as close as I would like. Ya, totally. Unresponsive to my emotions, yes. We just talked about this recently. I told that I wished he cared about my emotional well-being as much as he cares about my physical well-being. I also told him I'm not sure if that is a legitimate desire or not. I'm still figuring that out. I can't really ask him to feel differently than he does....I have a story about this...I should tell it.... The kayaking story.
