My Depression

2009 was a terrible horrible no good very bad year for me.  Sometimes I want to talk about it.  Sometimes I feel the need to defend myself and the decisions I've made based on how things were.  Sometimes I just want to add my experiences to the collective story that makes up reality so you, my reader, can use it in your process of learning what is true and wise.  Sometimes I just need to process out loud (or in written word) so the words will stop spinning around in my head.  My stories won't necessarily be in chronological order.  I apologize in advance if that is confusing.  In your comments here please please please be ultra gentle.  These are my wounded places.  This is where I am most sensitive. Thank you.

Old Wounds

Faded Hope

1 comment:

  1. You are a truly well-meaning person who is seeking healing of many things all at once. I know you are fully capable of making your way through all of it...with time, self-care, forgiveness of yourself, and an awareness that the world is a loving place with kind people!
    I respect what you are going through and I'm glad we are friends.
